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Monday, April 25, 2011

INTERVIEW Questions for Harlem and Tenement Tours

Themes and Areas of Interview Questions Harlem:
“Inherit the Wind” aka The Scopes “Monkey” Trial
“The Birth of a Nation” 1915 - propagandist movie 
The Great Migration
The Harmon Foundation
Langston Hughes
Countee Cullen
World War I
The Great Depression
The Harlem Renaissance (2:53 mins) followed by:
Jacob Riis (2:07 mins)  - Tenement Buildings
The Statue of Liberty Unknown (3:40 mins).

Tenement Building Tours - Interview Questions
Plights of the European 
The Waistshirt Fire
The Great Depression
Though these sites are primarily steps to interviewing for a JOB or entrance into a Uni or College of you choice, many of these hints are helpful when interviewing strangers for this project.
Notebook Checks
Random Weekly quizzes = 50 points for all those you can demonstrate they have readily available and well organized notes going back at least two weeks: 
a. Date 
b. Aim 
c. Do Now
d. Answers, responses or evidence of DOING or accomplishing the Do Now
e. Notes from class discussions
Personal questions individual asked (often while waiting to pose our question we concentrate so intensely on remembering it, we fail to listen to other peers’ brilliant questions and responses - so WRITE YOUR QUESTION DOWN so you are able to focus upon others and take notes from them without forgetting our own.) 
Other daily Notebook checks worth 10-30 points with special emphasis on current days’ notes:
1. Documentaries or other videos
2. class discussions - mentioned above
proof of participation of Do Now or class activity 
These two types of checks will take place so that those who fail one quiz have the opportunity of recuperating partial credit when they GET the notes by staying later after class, getting notes from those who have obtained them during class time.
Simply blindly copying others’ notes will not receive any credit. If scholar can not explain how notes pertain to reading materials, themes, Aim, topic of discussion, Activity or Do Now, they will only earn an even smaller credit for having the notes that mean absolutely nothing to them, which goes against College Readiness Skills, which states: note-taking is having notes that ‘they make sense to you”. 
Obviously, if scholar can not explain the notes, they are essentially useless.
“Ragtime was a fanfare for the 20th century.” 
“Ragtime was my lullaby.” 

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The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit.


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