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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Daily Show Re-do Jan. 11 - 13 or The Colbert Report on

In addition to making up - revising [incomplete or error-ridden] Jan. 4, 2011 "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" reflections, scholars will watch and carefully reflect upon any show from Week Jan 11 - Jan 13 from either Stewart's show or Colbert's show.

While I know I told P3 Jan. 12th show, but I can't locate it on So focus upon one of these:

Tuesday, January 11 episode with Colin Firth
iPhone jokes
Mark Twain's Dilemmas of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Erasing History -

1. What's the story about iPhone?

2. Describe Mark Twain's Dilemmas

3. How had our current Congress altered history while reading the Constitution?

4. Explain the setting (time period and place) period of "The King's Speech". Briefly recap Firth's understanding of these Historical Events.

Wednesday, January 12 episode with former Republican Minnesota governor, Tim Pawlenty

1. Why is it a surprise why Sudanese dancing and singing in the streets? What's the historic significant?

2. What is Sudan's Literacy Rates? What have they done to communicate their ideologies?

3. Explain how the "Battle of the Ban" conflicts with 1st and 2nd Amendments?
Be sure you GOOGLE two amendments if you are unaware of what these two entail

4. Does the rhetoric match the reality?***

vitriol = something highly caustic or severe in effect, as criticism.
speech, writing, etc, displaying rancour, vituperation, or bitterness

tyranny = arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
= oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

Review this discussion a few times, download FULL interview, GOOGLE things, research some of the things you do NOT understand.

scroll to minute 9:34 to see the rest of interview total 20:31 minutes.

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The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit.


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