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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Vocabulary #3 Slave Narratives - Flashcards Due Tues. Nov. 23 ALL CLASSES

In this week’s vocabulary, notice how many of these —ed words APPEAR like they’re verbs when they’re actually ADJECTIVES, when used as modifiers for nouns.

Flashcards: Write one practice sentence, along with all the normal PoS, definitions, antonyms and synonyms

1. insolent [adj]— boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting: an insolent reply

[n]—an insolent person

antonyms—cowardly, humble, modest, polite, respectful, servile

synonyms—abusive, arrogant, brazen, contemptuous, disdainful

2. termagant [adj]—disorderly, causing trouble, unlawful

antonyms—behaved, disciplined, manageable, orderly, conforming

synonyms—boisterous, disruptive, fractious, raucous rowdy

3. virago [n]—aggressive woman


synonyms—vixen, amazon, shrew

4. pecuniary [adj]—financial, concerning business, marketing


synonyms—economic, fiscal, monetary, —profitable, market

5. avowed [v]—state, profess,

antonyms—censure, condemn, deny, dispute, repudiate

synonyms—acknowledge, admit, affirm, concede, confess


syn;--accepted, acknowledged, admitted, affirmed

6. calumny [n]—slander; verbal exhibition of bad temper; verbal assault

antonyms—calmness, happiness, kindness, mildness; defense, reprisal, resistance, retreat

synonyms—invective, defamation, lie; blame, criticism, censure

7. licentious [adj]—immoral, uncontrolled; free from moral restraint; uninhibited

antonyms—chaste, controlled, good, innocent; virtuous, pure, restrained

synonyms—lecherous, lewd, abandoned, amoral, ;corrupt, depraved, incorrigible

8. depraved [v] —corrupted, led astray [adj]—corrupt, immoral

antonyms—ennoble, improve, moralize
[adj] —good, honorable, just, moral, noble, pure, upright, virtuous

synonyms—debase, debauch, degrade, pervert, seduce, subvert, vitiate
[adj] —abandoned, bad, base, dirty, evil, degenerate

9. obstinate [adj] stubborn, determined; uncooperative

antonyms—agreeable, amenable, cooperative, flexible

synonyms—adamant, cantankerous, contradictory, contrary; averse, hesitant, loath, negative

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The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit.


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