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Monday, October 18, 2010

Safe Search Booleans = "Keyword #1" & "Name" & "Date" & "keyword #4"

For instance: "Arthur Miller" & "1953" & "The Crucible" in GOOGLE or the other three search engines Ms. Tartaglione taught us about a month ago should lead you right to the political events that Miller was alluding to in his play. Additionally, re-read pages 32-36 to learn exactly from where Miller got the motivation for this particular text.

Some scholar HW today was sub-par, with unclear or incomplete sources. Many had bullet-pointed information which does NOT qualify as an article. Others had incomplete sources (CNN) is NOT a complete online source, when you think of how many articles, photos, videos and other pieces of information that are attributed to CNN, your source must be far more comprehensive in order to fully understand the author's or publication's motives or intentions. Remember, nearly EVERYTHING we read and see has a BIAS of some sort. PROGANDA abounds, and we must fully grasp from where our information is being gathered. This includes TV or radio broadcasts: Biblios = Time and date of broadcast: title of particular show, guests' names and topic or theme for that segment.

Again, refer to for proper formating of these visual or auditory sources.

Also, VISIT her and check out books!

It's great to see most of you on, updating your currently finished novels, plays and other books.

For those looking for that "JUST RIGHT" novel, go down and visit Ms. T. to get your favorite books without the hassle.

The Library is open
Mondays and Fridays 7:40 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. - 4:20

Wednesdays 8:05 - 3:15

Please, when trying to research anything, remember all those hints Ms. Tartaglione taught you over a month ago in the Library.

Take advantage of a relatively large on-campus library!

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The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit.


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