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Monday, October 4, 2010

Final Drafts of American Dream Essays Due Thurs. Oct. 7, 2010

Great job to all of you you have conferenced with your Second Drafts, made necessary edits and have turned in your Final Draft = 50 points. Many who have failed to do so by Oct. 7, will not receive a favorable grade.

Be sure to check your T.S. Paragraphs:
1. Does it contain both authors and titles?
2. Does it refer to three literary elements you will be addressing within the argument?
3. Does it answer the question: "Do the protagonists of Wright's Native Son, and Lahiri's The Namesake achieve their versions of the American Dream?"
4. Eliminate all GFEs = Gross Factual Errors = (-10) each

As to format:
1. Is the entire paper set up MLA Format?
2. 1" margins all around
3. Footer with "name" + Period ___ + "title"
4. Page numbers - lower right hand corner
5. Bibliography (C & P directly from

Be sure to check your cited quotes:
1. Do they help support your argument?
2. Are they quoted correctly? (If not these GFEs cost mega-points)
3. Have you explicated or analyzed them thoroughly?
4. Have you identified any Literary Elements within these or their explications?

Good Luck and Once again Salud! to those who have already completed this Final Draft!

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The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit.


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